Tangled Display Case – Carolina Wilcke
Visser Mirrors & Glass
About this project
Project: Tangled Display Case – Carolina Wilcke
Client: Atelier01 – Spectrum
Description: The Tangled display case is a steel furniture that actually consists of two separate constructions that are made together into one whole. This creates beautiful lines. This display case is suitable for any environment and brings a luxurious industrial look into every room. This display case can also be used as a presentation cabinet.
For this display case 5mm tempered glass is used in this case. The glass types of clear float glass and gray float glass are offered. This glass has been PP ground and the corners have been cut off. This allows the panels to fit perfectly into the frame. The PP grinding creates a nice finish, which means that the doors of this display case do not need an additional steel frame on the sides. The use of tempered glass makes this table suitable for holding heavier objects. The glass can handle many kilos and has a safe fracture if this happens anyway